Κατηγορία: Course Local

Στο Arkki, η μάθηση γίνεται μέσα από το παιχνίδι που βοηθά τα παιδιά να ενεργοποιούν τη φαντασία τους και να χρησιμοποιούν τον έμφυτο αυθορμητισμό τους, αφού το παιχνίδι είναι ο φυσικός τρόπος με τον οποίο ανακαλύπτουν τον κόσμο. Τα προγράμματα …

Φιλοσοφία: Η σημασία του παιχνιδιού Περισσοτερα ›

Play & Create 1A is the starter for 4-6 years old on creative learning through architecture and design. The course introduces STEAM and beyond subjects through playful and fun experiments, drawing and constructing projects. The program lays a foundation for …

Play & Create 1A-local Περισσοτερα ›

Play & Create 1B follows 1A and introduces new techniques and subjects through playful and educational hands-on activities guided by professional architect pedagogues. Arkki pedagogy introduces an innovative approach to learning through phenomenon based activities. The pupils will continue to …

Play & Create 1B-local Περισσοτερα ›

In the Play & Create 2A basic concepts about environment, space, places and cities are introduced through hands-on exercises. Pupils are guided to make pictures and models, and, for example, understand the concept of a map. Learning is based and …

Play & Create 2A-local Περισσοτερα ›

Play & Create 2B guides pupils to explore nature, built environment and history. Basic concepts about art, design, structures, and urban planning are intertwined in the projects. Learning happens as a iterative and cyclic process that activates and engages the …

Play & Create 2B-local Περισσοτερα ›

Creative 1A is the start of Arkki long-term education program for school age children. On this course we start building the foundation for the themes and skills to be deepened and expanded in the following modules. We ponder, plan, draw …

Explorers – Creative 1A-local Περισσοτερα ›

Creative 1B is the second course of Arkki long-term education program for school aged children. This course deepens the understanding of the various elements of space, architecture and the environment from interior objects to city scale. The pupils are guided …

Explorers – Creative 1B-local Περισσοτερα ›

Creative 2A offers a rich setting of themes covering for example scale, human proportions, structures and history as well as architectural design and city planning. The pupils practise principles such as measurement, length, mass, volume and various units of measuring.  Spatial and environmental awareness are …

Explorers – Creative 2A-local Περισσοτερα ›

Creative 2B extends pupils perspectives to the build environment from smallest scale details to larger entities. During the course  several architectural phenomena, such as massing, transition and vernacular architecture, settlements and urban areas are studied. The individual projects in this module intertwine different phenomenon …

Explorers – Creative 2B-local Περισσοτερα ›

Creative 3A covers a wide range of topics that are the core concepts in design and architecture. The course provides a solid foundation for the knowledge and skills to be deepened and expanded in the following courses. The pupils will …

Experimenters – Creative 3A-local Περισσοτερα ›